Reader Response on UFW
I choose to paraphrase some of the quotes posted by the actual workers who endure the real pain of working in the fields. I went through the website throughlly and was very indecisive about choosing a topic to focus on. What drew my attention was under the Organizing column and it read “workers voices”. I was really curious as to what they had to say. When I got to view their comments I was astonished when I read what they had to say. One in particular really touched my heart. I worker named Teodoro Gutierrez.
I was in real disbelief after reading this. I could not imagine the necessity of all those people that have to put up with such horrid conditions. Some other workers said that their bosses were bothered or got upset when they asked for water. I can’t imagine what kind of human being would deny another one water, especially after all their hard work and dedication. If I were in their situation I couldn’t even imagine how I would contain myself from really giving them a piece of my mind and frustration. There were other comments like one by Pedro Zapien, “Sometimes full days would go by and they would never bring the bathrooms”, he says. I ask myself how is this going on in the U.S. where are the human rights, and if we have any who enforces them? I have so many questions as to why people still today are treated incredibly unfair at their work place. Even when most of the people working in the fields are immigrant’s gives no one the right to treat them worst them humans.
Great post!